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1. 欢迎信 Welcome Letter
Dear Team Member,
Welcome to ***Hotel!
You have joined the ***hotel chain in China as well as the world.***
It is our aim to make our guests stay a memorable one, be they from overseas or local, as only then will our
reputation grow and business increase accordingly. We strive for the highest possible standard. To achieve this
standard it is necessary that certain rules and regulations be followed by all of us. This booklet is designed to give
you the information you need to know on what to do and what not to do. If there is any unclear, you can aslo ask for
your deparment head or HR department. We will try our best to help you. Aslo remember to scan the hotel Notice
Board, all hotel information is posted on it to keep you up to date and ready for work.
Our hotel can offer you an exciting career in the fastest growing industry. It is up to you to take this chance and
strive for a prosperous career. We will do our part to ensure you develop and grow within your job, by offering you
the best possible training.
Numerous people apply annually to work in our hotel, you are one of the few that were selected. You can be
proud of having been chosen to join this team.
The management wishes you a bright future and hopes that your time with us will be a happy and successful one.
Once again, welcome to the team.
2. 我们的远景目标 Whats our Vision?
成为股东的最佳投 To become the best investment for its Shareholders
为顾客提供最好服 To offer the best service for its Customers
成为员工的最佳雇 To be the best employer for its Employees
3. 你 和 *** 集 团 Connecting you to the world of ***(introduction of hotel
management group)
4. 你了解我们的酒店? Do you know about our hotel?
4.1 Introduction of our hotel
甲级写字楼为一体的城市综合体项目。该项目由商业裙楼与三栋塔楼组成,其中 B栋塔楼为重庆协信锦江五星级精
品商务酒店,建筑面积约 26879 平方米,另两栋塔楼分别为酒店式公寓,建筑面积约 24286 平方米,甲级写字楼,
建筑面积约 40758 方米。
拥有 286 间豪华客房及商务套房,并设有大型宴会厅及各类会议设施,中餐厅、西餐厅、浪漫酒吧、水疗及
The Chongqing JinJiang Sincere Hotel located in the Central Business District of JiangBei District Chongqing.
The hotel is part of the Sincere Center which includes shopping mall, hotel, apartment and office tower. The
Sincere Center integrated project contain three buildings, the total construction area of hotel building is 26879
square meters, apartment building is 24286 square meters and the Office tower is 40758 square meters.
The hotel has 30 floors, totally 286 rooms and contains banquet halls, Chinese restaurant, western
restaurant, lobby bar, spa and health center, etc.
4.2 酒店的业 Owners introduction
重庆置尚房地产开发有限公司始立于 2005 6月,为重庆协信控(集团)限公司的控股公司。公司主要
Chongqing Zhishang Real Estate Development Co., LTD was founded in June 2005, which is a holding
company by Chongqing Sincere. The main works are real estate development, management. It base on
Chongqing and integrates with the world market.
The company implements professional and standardize management method. It always insists on simplify,
efficiency system, and it makes its own characteristic, full of vitality culture. It attracts lots of talents work here.
Under the management of professional leading team, Chongqing Zhishang Real Estate Development Co., LTD will
beyond itself and become the leader of real estate development industry.
5. 聘用条款 Employment term
5.1 聘用 Employment
招聘员工的途径主要是通过广告,向学校和社会公开招 聘,我们会优先考虑内部员工的提升和调职来填
补空缺。在同意聘用时,雇佣双方将签署具有 法律效力的正式合同。
***hotel is an equal opportunity employer. All suitable candidates will be considered for employment
regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, age or national origin. New associates are normally recruited through
advertisements, public employment and schools. Internal associates will always be given the priority of
transfer or promotion to fill in the new position before any external candidate is considered. Upon
agreement of employment, both parties will sign a formal contract, which carries legal effect.
5.2 体格检查 Medical examination
1) 在被正式聘用以前,请你务必到酒店指定的防疫站接受体检,体检费用由你先垫付,如果
Prior to commencement of employment, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination
conducted by Ningbo Epidemic Prevention Station. The physical examination expense will be paid by
yourself first. Then it can be reimbursed if you have passed the probation period. Remember, Health is
the most important thing for entering into hotel industry, only for whom has passed the physical
examination will join us.
2) 按照政府规定,你每年必须进行一次体检以保证酒店整体的卫生状况,体检费用由酒店支付。若你不符合
You are required to have an annual medical examination to comply with government regulations. The
Hotel pays for this physical examination. Should an associate be medically unfit for a position, he/she
will be transferred to another position, or may be suspended pending medical treatment or the contract
with the hotel may be discontinued.
5.3 人事记录 Personnel record
1) 你在被聘用前须按酒店要求真实提供个人身份证及有关资料。受雇后若个人资料有变,请务必在变更七天
You are required to submit such documents as certificates and information as required by
the hotel upon commencing employment. Should there be any changes in personal
particulars, you are advised to inform the Human Resources Department within a period of 7 days
to update your personal records. We dont expect that because of the failure for reporting up-dated
personal information, your benefits will be affected accordingly.
2) 酒店会为你建立人事档案。
Personnel files are set up for you.
3) 你的人事资料都将按规定存入酒店员工档案直到雇用的最后一天。
All associate papers will remain in his/her Hotel file until the last day of employment.
4) 你不允许查看你自己的人事档案。
You are not permitted to see your own Personnel Records.
5.4 聘用合同 Employment contract
You will receive and sign an employment contract after we have confirmed for your recruitment, which will
cover comprehensive terms and conditions of employment with the hotel. The contract period will be
specified in the employment contract and will be invalid upon its expiration.
1) 人力资源部负责核实员工各类资料信息的真实性要时,可对员工进行背景调查。在核实员工一切资
Human Resources Department is responsible for the reality of associates information, investigating
associate background if necessary. The offer will be extended if all the information is confirmed to be
2) 对于酒店正式录用的员工,必须签订书面的劳动合同及岗位说明书。
Associates who have been formally accepted have to sign an employment contract and position
5.5 酒店制服 Hotel uniform
1) 员工工作时须穿着酒店制服,着装整齐并佩带名牌。员工个人制服要经常换洗,如有破洞应及时修补,
Hotel uniforms must be properly worn with your name tags while on duty. It is the responsibility of the
associate to change uniform for cleaning and for mending whenever necessary. The cost of a uniform
lost or torn due to carelessness will be charged to the associate.
2) 除酒店批准外,所有员工下班后须将制服返还制服房或锁在更衣柜里,禁止员工在酒店外穿戴任何一部
All uniforms must be returned to the Uniform Room or kept inside the locker when off duty. No part of
the uniform can be taken or worn outside the hotel without hotel's authorization.
3) 当员工离职时,所有制服须返还制服房。
Upon termination of employment (or vacation), all uniforms must be returned to the Uniform Room.
Failure to do so may result in withholding of salary.
5.6 名牌 Name tag
1) 名牌是酒店制服的一部分,因此所有员工在上班时必须佩带。名牌丢失或损坏,须立即报告人力资源部
All associates are provided with a name tag. It is a part of the associate uniforms and must be worn
correctly while on duty. Loss or damage of the name tag must be reported to the Human Resources
Department immediately for replacement. The associate will be charged according to the cost for
2) 当员工离职时,名牌须立即返还人力资源部。
Upon termination of service, the name tag must be returned to the Human Resources Department.
5.7 酒店员工证 Hotel identification card
1) 你一旦被录用,我们会发给你一张员工证。你在员工通道出入酒店或倒班宿舍时,请主动出示此证以方
You will be issued with a hotel ID card upon joining the hotel and associate dormitory. Please show
your ID card to the Security Officer for inspection when you enter into the hotel by associate entrance
or the associate dormitory. Security Officers and associate dormitory attendant has authority to
refuse you to entry if you dont want to show the card to them.
2) 酒店员工证如有遗失,你必须立即报告人力资源部申请补办,我们按成本价向你收取补办新证的费用。
Loss of hotel ID cards must be reported to the Human Resources Department immediately for
replacement. You will be charged according to the cost for replacement.
3) 当你被调职或提升,须将酒店员工证交回人力资源部更新。
Upon change of status, such as transfer or promotion, you must submit their hotel ID card to the
Human Resources Department for update.
4) 你离职时须将员工证交还人力资源部
Upon termination of service, the hotel ID card must be returned to the Human Resources Department.
5.8 入职培训 Hotel orientation training
You must have an orientation training which is conducted by the Human Resources Department before you
are on duty officially as to familiarize you with hotel's management, customer service philosophies, terms of
employment, hotel rules and regulations, training and development opportunities.
After Orientation Training, Human Resources will organize a test. The result of this test will be a part of your
evaluation result.
5.9 试用期 Probation period
1 受聘员工都需经过自受聘用之日起三个月的试用期。如员工不能通过试用期,试用期可被延长至另外三
月。试用期最长不超过 6个月。
Associates are required to serve a probation period of three months from the date of hire. Probation
could be extended to another three months should the performance of the candidate not be satisfactory,
but can not exceed six months.
2 有下列情形之一的,均被视为不符合录用条件:
Ø 未满 16 岁的;
Ø 被查实不符合招聘时公示的录用条件的(包括不符合《岗位说明书》所要求条件的)
Ø 在向酒店求职过程中提供虚假的个人履历动关系证明文件或其他虚假信息,致酒店违背真实
Ø 在订立劳动合同过程中有其他欺骗、隐瞒或其它不诚实行为的;
Ø 不具备政府规定的就业资格或手续的;
Ø 无法完成酒店分配的工作任务或工作指标的;
Ø 经酒店指定医院体检不合格的;
Ø 患有精神病或犯有《传染病防治法》规定的甲类传染病和乙类传染病的;
Ø 与原用人单位存在竞业限制约定的;
Ø 曾经被本酒店或其关联酒店以违纪为由辞退或擅自离职的;
Ø 酗酒、吸毒的
Ø 被判处刑罚,尚未执行完毕的;
Ø 通缉在案的;
Ø 本手册规定的其它情形
No person will be employed if any of the following conditions are met:
Ø The applicant has not reached the age of 16
Ø The applicant is confirmed to be incongruent to recruitment qualification
Ø The labour contract is worked out based on the false resume, certification of labour
relationship and any other false information provided by the applicant;
Ø The applicant has other dishonest behaviours in contracting process;
Ø The applicant lack of national employment qualification;
Ø The applicant cannot accomplish tasks or guidelines distributed by the hotel;
Ø The applicant has been certified as medically unfit for employment by the hotel designated
Ø Applicant with mental disease or first and second class infectious diseases stated in the Law of
the PRC on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases;
Ø There are competition restriction between CROWNE PLAZA and the original company;
Ø Applicant who has been refused by CROWNE PLAZA and other relative hotels for illegal
behaviours or has left position without authorization;
Ø Drinking and drug-taking;
Ø The applicant is in prison term;
Ø The applicant is wanted by the police;
Ø Other situations regulated in this handbook.
3 你在受聘之日起将经过合同所规定的试用期。试用期是酒店用作评估你的工作质量和表现的时期,同时
You are subject to a probationary period according to the contract from starting date. It is also the
period for you to determine if you can work effectively and fits the hotel's working environment.
Probation constitutes a trial period during which the quality of your work and performance can be
appraised and evaluated by the hotel.
4 在试用期终止时,部门经理将评估你的工作表现并取得你对工作及酒店的反馈意见。评估后部门经理将决
By the end of the probation period, the respective department head will evaluate your performance and
obtain your feedback on your performance and the hotel. After the evaluation, the department head may
confirm you for appointment, or extend the probation for a period of up to 3 months maximum or
terminate the contract.
5 你因为工作需要升职或调至其它部门或岗位,需有三个月的适应时间。如因不适应新的岗位,则退回原工
If you are transferred or promoted to other position and other departmentwe still give you 3-month for
you to be familiar with the new environment. If you cannot adapt to it, we will return you to the previous
situation or adjust the other job to you.
5.10 工资支付 Payment of salary
由于我们需要足够的时间统计考勤及计算工资们每月 30 日前向你支付上月 21 至本月 20 日的工资报酬。
每月考勤至当月 20 日。
As we need the time to calculate the salary according to attendance record and other records, salary duration
from last 21st to current 20th will be paid to you before the current 30th.
5.11 个人所得税 Salary tax
Salary tax is deducted from the monthly salary by us.
5.12 工作时间 Working hours
1) 员工每周平均工作时间为四十小时,不包含用餐时间每周至少休息一天。具体班次和休息日由部门经
Associates are required to work 40 hours, excluding meal break, one rest day per week at least.
Department heads plans duty roster. The hotel reserves the right to change the roster whenever it is
deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the hotel.
2) 员工需按照部门所规定的班次按时穿好制服到岗工作。如员工因故不能按时出勤,应至少提前两小时通知
Associates are required to work on time in full uniform. When he/she has something emergency, 2 hours
prior notice to his/her manager at least. Otherwise, he/she will result in disciplinary action. Without
permission of department head, any associate are not allowed to leave his/her work place during duty
3) 部门经理将提前为每位员工安排好休假,保证酒店的正常营业不受影响
Each Department Head will plan and schedule vacation periods for each of their associate in advance
and in a way that the normal and efficient operation of the Hotel will not be interrupted.
5.13 加班 Overtime
1) 因营业需要,部门经理要求加班时,员工应予以配合,加班包括加时工作或在公休日、法定假日加班。
Since hotel business requires continuous operation, associates should cooperate and work overtime
when requested by the department head. Overtime occurs when the Department Head requests
additional hours after standard shift hours, on rostered days off or public holidays. Overtime must be
approved in all circumstances.
2) 加班补偿将根据中国劳动法和酒店有关规定执行。
Overtime work shall be compensated by compensatory time off or overtime pay in accordance with the
Labour Law of China and at the discretion of the hotel.
3) 部门经理必须保存其部门员工的完整加班记录
Department heads must keep an accurate record of all overtime worked by associates in their
5.14 合同续签和终止 Contract renewal and termination
After department appraisal, hotel will inform associates, one month before contract terminal, to extend
contract. If any one of two parts does not want to extend the contract, hotel or associate has to give at least
30 days written notice or has to give the compensation to replace the notice days.
5.15 工作评估 Performance Appraisals
Associates have undergo a minimum of one performance appraisal every year besides probation, promotion
and transfer from which he/she will be guided by hotel managements expectation of them and advised of
their work performance and career development.
5.16 辞职 Resignation
1) 试用期间,你可提前 3向酒店提出辞职
You on probation can submit your resignation to the hotel 3 days in advance.
2) 试用期后,员工如欲辞职须至少提前 30 以书面形式通知。
After the probation, if you want to resign, you have to give at least 30 days written notice.
3) 我们批准你的辞职申请后,请在你的最后工作日后的 7内办理完所有辞职手续(如果需要
他人帮忙办理,请出示书面委托书)超过 7天你如果还未办理完,我们将不再保存你的遗留
After your resignation has been approved, please handle and complete all of your resignation
procedure within 7 days according to your last working day. (If you need somebody else to help you,
please show the written notice of authority to HR). If you havent completed all the procedure within 7
days, we will not promise you to keep your property in the hotel.
4) 你办理辞职手续时,必须将酒店财产或工具、制服等交给部门经理或相关部门。
You must hand over all the duties, Hotel equipment or tools under your responsibility, to you Department
Head or the H.R Department.
5.17 离职面试 Exit interview
After associate submits the resignation letter, department head or Director of Human Resource will have a
exit interview with the associate.
5.18 退休 Retirement
1) 员工的退休年龄为男性员工 60 岁、性员工 55 周岁。从事高温、有毒有害工作人员的退休年龄,依据
Retirement ages for male and female associates are 60 and 55, respectively. For associates work in
high temperature, poisonous and noxious department, the retirement age is determined by relevant
national law.
2) 退休日为员工达到法定退休年龄当年的生日。达到退休年龄的员工须配合人力资源部门办理退休手续,退
Retirement day is the birthday in the year when associates reach their retiring ages. Associate who has
reached retiring age should transact retirement procedure with human resource department. If
necessary, the hotel shall reemploy retired people.
5.19 离职交接 Handover
1) 员工无论因何原因解除或终止劳动合同而离职,必须按照酒店的规定的程序办理工作和资产移交手续:
Ø 归还所有代表酒店员工身份的证明文件,如工作证介绍信函、工信息卡名片等原件与复
Ø 归还所有酒店文件、资料、记录、设备、工具、文具、通讯设备等
Ø 归还更衣箱、工具箱以及员工保管的所有酒店的钥匙;
Ø 向继任者或酒店指派的其他同事移交清楚所有工作
Ø 与财务部门结算所有应付款项、应收款项
Ø 其他属于酒店的物品、资产、数据信息等
Associates have to hand over all works and assets according to hotel regulation, no matter how the labour
contract was stopped:
Ø Return all status certification documents, such as hotel ID card, recommendation letter, staff
information card, business card and so on;
Ø Return all hotel documents, information, records, utilities, tools, stationary, communication
equipments and so on;
Ø Return cloth changing box, toolbox, and all other keys;
Ø Clearly hand over all works to the successor or other colleague;
Ø settle accounts with Finance Department;
Ø Other goods, capital, data belongs to hotel.
2) 员工办理移交手续时,必须填写书面的《离职者清算手续一览表》每完成一项交接则须由部门主管或
When transacting handover procedure, associates will be asked to fill in Associate Clearance Form,
each item should be signed by department head or staffs in Human Resource Department. After
checking all the property, Human Resource Department will submit this table to department head to
further confirm the handover procedure.
3) 酒店依法应当支付给员工的经济补偿金,在员工办结所有离职交接手续时支付。员工如未按照酒店规
Associates who have finished handover process will get economical compensation payment from the
hotel. Other wise, the hotel can delay the compensation payment or ask for additional compensation if
the associate is responsible for hotels lost.
5.20 离职后再录用 Re-hire
Candidates, who have worked in the hotel, applying for re-hiring after Resignation, should follow the
continuing regulation:
1) 原则上,只有在以前的工作岗位中工作业绩令人满意,符合空缺职位要求的人员离职后才能被再次录用。
In formal, only associates who have done good job in original position will be employed when
associates are suitable for the vacant position in hotel. Associates who have been fired by the hotel for
illegal behaviour will not be accepted unless associates with special skills approved by general
2) 接受再复职的部门,在决定录用前须向酒店人力资源部门报告,经人力资源部门核查无不得再次录用
Before re-hiring, the employment department should report to the Human Resource Department to
check hireable qualification and ask for further ratification by the general manager.
3) 再录用之人员在酒店的工作年限从再录用日起计算。
Working time for re-associates in the hotel starts from the re-hire day.
5.21 裁员 Redundancy
The hotel reserves the right to make redundant excess associates due to changes in business conditions or
management policy or be it impossible to transfer excess associates to other departments. Associates
shall be notified one month in advance and compensated in accordance with the policy of the PRC and the
hotel if they are to be made redundant.
5.22 第二职业 Double employment
To ensure you have sufficient rest and good health after work, you are not permitted to engage in business
activities or in part-time employment with other establishments as long as you are ***hotel associates.
Violation of this rule may lead to dismissal without any compensation.
5.23 亲属的聘用 Employment of close relatives
1) 在与酒店不发生利益冲突的前提下,我们可聘用你的亲属(父母、配偶、子女、兄弟姐妹),但原则上
Employment of close relatives (parents, spouse, children, brothers and sisters) in the hotel is only
allowed in situation where there is no conflict of interest. We will not accept that you and your relatives
work in the same department principally.
2) 如果同一部门的员工结婚,我们可能会对其中一名员工进行调职或调转到其他部门工作。
If an associate is married to another associate in the same department, the hotel may change the
position by transferring either associate to work in another department or by terminating either associate
employment when it deems necessary.
6. 仪容仪表 Grooming guidelines
6.1 个人仪表 Personal Appearance
In a service industry such as ours, personal appearance is of vital importance. The guests that we serve
observe our every action. Therefore, we must do our very best at all times and observe the following
1) 制服
A full uniform and name tag must be worn at all times while on duty. Uniforms must be clean, neatly
pressed and in good condition. Shoes should be clean and polished. Please do a quick inspection
in the mirror before you leave the locker room to ensure that you are well presented before you start
work for the day.


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