

3.0 2024-07-15 4 0 16.25KB 5 页 1库币 海报
作业 operation
特殊作业 special operation
入司 entry
在职 in-service
安全 safety
检查 inspect
工种 worktype
岗位 Job
法规 laws and rules
体检 Health Check
过期的 Expired
整改 correct
负责人 responsible persons
到期时间 due date
变更 variance
监测 measure
考核 Assessment
审批意见 comments
台帐 standing book
登高作业 high operation
动火作业 fire operation
安全生产标准化 work safety standardization
安全绩效 safety performance
策划、实施、检查、改进 PDCA 循环 Plan Do Check Action
危险化学品 dangerous chemicals
安全标志 safety signs
目标 Objective
组织机构和职责 Organization and Responsibilities
安全生产投入 Input for Work Safety
法律法规与安全管理制度 Laws and Regulations and Safety Management System
教育培训 ducation and Training
生产设备设施 Equipment and Facilities
作业安全 Operation Safety
隐患排查与治理 Hidden Hazard Investigation and Goverance
重大危险源监控 Major Hazard Installations Monitoring and Controlling
职业健康 Occupational Health
应急救援 Emergency Rescue
绩效评定和持续改进 Performance Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
隐患 Hidden Hazard
隐患整改 Hidden rectification
危险源 Hazard
分厂 branch
车间 workshop
安全观察 safety watch observation
事件 incident
申请人 applicant
相关方 interested parties
演练 exerise
报废 Scrap
安全生产 safety production
事故管理 accident management
安全教育 safety instruct
消防安全 fire control safety
化学品安全 chemistry safety
电气安全 electric safety
机械安全 engine safety
压力容器安全 pressure vessel safety
职业卫生 occupational health
职业病 occupational disease
工伤保险 Worker’s Compensation
the system of occupational safety and health management
环境管理体系 environmental management system
HACCP - 危害分析及关键控制点
职业安全与健康条例 Occupational Safety and Health Act
安全生产规程 product safety program
安全法规 safety code
环境法规 condition code
健康法规 health code
安全 safety
危险 hazardous
职业安全卫生 occupational safety and health
劳动安全卫生(劳动保护) work safety and health
职业安全卫生监察 occupational safety and health inspection
本质安全 intrinsic safety
安全认证 safety approval and certification
职业安全 occupational safety
安全健康 safety health
职业安全健康 occupational health and safetyOHS
女职工劳动保护 labor protection of female employee
未成年工劳动保护 labor protection of underage employee
职业病 occupational diseases
职业禁忌症 occupational contraindication
事故 accidents
重大事故(恶性事故) tremendous accidents
职工伤亡事故 injured and fatal accident of staffer
急性中毒 acute poisoning
未遂事故(准事故) near accidents
事故隐患 accident potential
不安全行为 unsafe behavior
违章指挥 command against rules
违章操作 operation against rules
工作条件(劳动条件) working conditions
工作环境(劳动环境) working environment
工作场所(劳动场所) workplace
劳动强度 intensity of work
特种设备 special equipment
特种作业 special work
特种工种 particular wording posts
特种劳动防护用品 special personal protective devices
有害物质 harmful substances
有毒物质 toxic substances
危险因素 hazardous factors
有害因素 harmful factors
有尘作业 dusty work
有毒作业 toxic work
防护措施 protection measures
个人防护用品 personal protective devices
事故原理 accident theory
事故预防 accident prevention
事故现场 accident scene
工作环境适应性 acclimatization
管理控制 administrative controls
资源忽略事故 contributory negligence
可控环境 controlled environment
故障模式及影响分析 failure mode and effects analysis
固定保护装置 fixed guards
保险丝 fuses
危险装备 harmful equipment
危险与操作检查 hazard and operability review
中暑 heat stroke
工伤事故 industrial place accidents
工伤赔偿协商 agreement settlement
工业安全工程师 industrial safety engineer

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分类:教学课件 价格:1库币 属性:5 页 大小:16.25KB 格式:DOCX 时间:2024-07-15
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