

3.0 2024-08-29 0 0 19.61KB 8 页 6库币 海报
1 概
one, five, ten, thirty,
sixty-five first,
sixth, tenth, twenty-first
2 1. 1于 20
13-19 -teen
3 and201 two
hundred and one 642 six hundred and forty-two
使用 thousand
用 million
sixty-eight thousand, three hundred and forty-
three13, 526, 300 thirteen million, five hundred
and twenty-six thousand, three hundred
million亿billion用 10
ten thousand亿one
hundred million
2. 1hundredthousand 和
million 只
offive hundred
three thousand hundreds of
thousands of millions of
27:30 seven
thirty / half past seven6:45 six forty-five / a
quarter to seven8:00 eight oclock
31980 年
nineteen eighty2005 two thousand and five
4 209
Room 209 Section 3/Part 3 308
308 Nanjing Road 3698688 TEL 3698688
Three and two is five10-5=5
Ten minus five is five
6She is five years
old. in his twenties
1. 1
th 构
thethe sixth
2的 123 这
是 fifth是 eighth是 ninth
是 twelfth 这
y 改为 ie 再thtwentytwentieth 第forty
fortieth 第
twenty-fourtwenty-fourth 第
first1st second2nd third3rd
twenty-first21st ninety-fifth95th
2. 1词 the 表
You are the second one to know the
于 the+
Lesson Fivethe fifth lesson
于 1 的2/5 two fifths
theThis is my third question.
5March 18th, 1978
1978 年 3 18
.1. December is the
t______ month of the year.2. We have nineteen students
here. The new comer is the t_______.3. When is Lilys
birthday p______?4. M_______ is the third month of the
year.5. The n_______ month of the year is September.
. 1. Today we will learn the
___________ (twelve) lesson.2. I sit in the _________ (two)
row in the class.3. Its August ____________ (twenty-one)
today.4. We have ____________ (45) sheep on the farm.5.
I think the __________ (eight) lesson is di cult.
III. 1.There are ________
days in a week.2. There are usually __________or
_________days in one month except ________, and there
are usually __________or _________ days in one year3.
New Years Day is the _________ day of each year.4.
Thursday is the _________ day of week.5. __________ is
our National Day.6. The ________ month of the year is
February.7. There are __________ seconds in minute.8.
December ____________ is Christmas inAmerica.9. 2/3
and 1/4 is _______________.10. August is the _________
month of a year.
. 1. Now children, turn to page _______ and
look at the _____ picture in Lesson Two.A. twentieth;
one   B. twenty; one   C. twentieth;
rst  D. twenty; rst2. There are four people in
front of him, so he is the ______ one.A. veB.
fthC. rstD. number3. The _____ Sunday in May is
Mothers Day.A. rstB. secondC. oneD. two4.
When is your mothers birthday? Its ________.A.
February eighthsB. July thirty-thirdC. February
7thD. March nineth5. The ______ month of a year is
April.A. third B. forth C. fourth D. fth6. The girl is
_____, today is her _____ birthday.A. twelfth;
twelfthB. twelve; twelfthC. twelfth; twelveD.
twelve; twelve7. When is the school trip? ______
March 13th.A. At B. On C. In D. Its8. Tom is
a middle school student. How old is he? ______.A.
The thirteenB. ThirteenthC. ThirtyD. Thirteen9.
There are usually _____ days in February.A. twenty-
eightB. twenty-nineC. thirtyD. thirty-one10.
Sunday is the _____ day of a week.A. one B. two
C. rst D. second
1Basketball is so exciting that ______ people
play it for fun.A. millionB. two millionsC.
million ofD. millions of2.How many friends will
come to your birthday?About
.A. fteen;
fteen B. fteenth; fteenthC. fteen;
fteenthD. fteenth; fteen3. Helen loves reading.
She has read ____ books this month.A. ve B.
fth C. ve of D. fth of
.1. twelfth 2.
twentieth3. party 4. March 5. ninth.
1. twelfth 2. second3. the twenty-rst4. forty-
ve 5. eighthIII. 1.
seven2. thirty, thirty-one, February, three hundred and
sixty-ve, three hundred and sixty-six3. rst 4. fth 5.
October1st6. second 7. sixty 8. the twenty-fth9. eleven
twelfths 10. eighth. 1. D
+page twenty
2. B
second4. C
BC31 B
C5. C4
fourth,C6. B
B7. Bon8. D
Tom 30 岁,
D9. A28 10. C
C1. D
hundredthousand million-
sof -s2.D
15 3AHelen
books ve

标签: #资料


数词的用法                            1概念引入数词是指表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。表示数目多少的数词叫基数词,如one,five,ten,thirty,sixty-five等;表示顺序先后的数词叫序数词,如first,sixth,tenth,twenty-first等。数词用法相当于名词和形容词,在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语等。2用法讲解一、基数词。1.基数词的写法或读法。(1)对于20以内的基本的数字,需要同学们牢记。要注意其中的一些规律。例如:   13-19的数字都是“-teen”结尾等。(2)十位数与个位数之间要加连字符。例如:    23→...

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