

3.0 2024-09-08 0 0 25.14KB 10 页 7库币 海报
1. 1.anything but 决不, 绝对不, 一点也不
Her journey to becoming the fastest woman on earth has been anything but
smooth and effortless.
1. 2.even if/ though 即使,虽然
The voices make you feel less alone even though you are alone.
1. 3.even so 尽管如此, 即使那样
Even so, she impressed the word with her courage and strong desire to
1. 4.make a contribution 做贡献
I want to work in s company where I can be challenged and where I can
make a contribution.
1. 5.switch off 关(点灯, 机器等)
In a world where everyone wants you to listen to their version, you only
have two choices : switch off altogether or start looking for sources
you can trust.
1. 6.switch on 开(点灯, 机器等)
She switched on her light.
1. 7.together with 包括…在内, 同…一起, 连同
Together with a smaller, much older volcano it helped form the island of
1. 8.appeal to sb 吸引某事, 引起某人的兴趣,向某人
The roof is filled with green life that appeals to insects.
1. 9.play a role in sth 在…中起作用, 对…有影响
Water does play a very important roe in our lives. Without it , we’d
all be dead.
1. 10.regret doing sth 后悔做了某事
You may regret saying that.
1. 11.take a walk 散步
We had a nice dinner, took a walk.
1. 12.provide sb with sth
We’ll provide the police with whatever you need.
1. 13.combine sth with sth
Then they combine the mixture with yeast.
1. 14.consider………as sth 认为…是
I love what I do , I don’t consider what I do as my job.
1. 15.be anxious to do 渴望做某事, 非常希望做某事
“ I am anxious to get back to my aunt and uncle , for I am sure they
will worry about me.
1. 16.a quantity of 大量, 众多
She carried a quantity of matches in an old apron.
1. 17.at present 现在, 目前
Our speed at present is fifty-three and a half miles an hour.
1. 18.make a difference 有影响, 起作用
Since then , many scientists have thought that our actions do make a
1. 19.make an appoint 预约, 约会
He made an appointment with his lawyer to change his will the day before
he died.
1. 20.above all 最重要的是, 尤其是
Above all, the real poet is a master of words.
1. 21.see off 为…送行
You should see him off with a kiss.
1. 22.come true 实现,成真
Sophia said the volunteers were important because they were the ones who
helped to make the wishes come true.
1. 23.too good to be true 好得令人难以置信
You’re just too good to be true . Can’t take my eyes off you.
1. 24.be true of 适用于, 对…适用
That’s not true of all bars. Juice bars , for example.
1. 25.register for sth 登记, 注册(信息)
You might also have a PIN for registering for a class at college.
1. 26.the other day 几天前
The other day, a netizen shared a photo on Sina Weibo.
1. 27.in public 公共地, 当众
It needed to be shared in public.
1. 28.act on sth 根据(建议,信息等) 行事, 对…有作用, 有
The suggestion was sensible , and yet I could not force myself to act on
it .
1. 29.on/ at the edge of 在…的边缘
She sat down on the edge of his bed again.
1. 30.seek to do sth 试图做某事, 设法做某事
Unlike others, who seek to control you. I want to set you free.
1. 31.stay away from 远离, 不靠近
When things get difficult, it’s quick to blame, lie, and even stay away
from future.
1. 32.stay up 熬夜
This is opposed to the “ early bird” schedule, and is a kind of
disorder where the individual tends to stay up much past midnight.
1. 33.impress sb with 给…留下深刻的印象, 使…钦佩
She impressed the crowd with a shinny black dress.
1. 34.meet with sb 和某人会务(商讨问题等)
She meets with foreign leaders from all corners of globe.
1. 35.meet with sth 遭遇, 经历(不愉快的事情)
I met with an accident some time ago.
1. 36.eat out 下馆子, 在外用餐
We couldn’t eat out for a month, because I was saving money for yours
and Barry’s college tuition.
1. 37.force sb to do sth
I’ve been trying to force myself to do things that make me scared.
1. 38.be addicted to sth 对…上瘾, 对…入迷
He’s addicted to gambling. 他好赌。
1. 39.translate sth into sth 把…翻译成…
I translate poetry and literature into different language.
1. 40.view……as sth 把……视为, 以…看待
You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage.
1. 41.fall in 生病
People often fall ill because of me.
1. 42.tear apart 把….撕碎, 使……四分五裂额
When I tear apart my fifth birthday toy train , my father said,
“That’s it”.
1. 43.in …… condition 处于……的状况
They do this to keep their feathers in good condition. (状况良好)
1. 44.warm up 使温暖, 变温暖, 做准备活动, 热身,把(冷
If you keep moving, you’ll warm up.
1. 45.a period of 一段(时
Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over
a period of three clays every March.
1. 46.along with ……一起,和…同样地
Which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training.
1. 47.full of sth 是……的
The safe was stuffed full of currency.
1. 48.heat up 激烈更加,使变热, 把…
Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan.
1. 49.either……or…… 要……要, 不是……是……
Either you end up hurting someone or they hurt you.
1. 50.vote for 投票赞
Who did you vote for in the last presidential election?
1. 51.be fond of 喜爱…的
The Queen became so fond of me that she could not eat without me.
1. 52.be chance 然, 碰巧
I was picked purely by chance.
1. 53.in the dark 在黑暗处, 在
So I ran back home almost in the dark while trying not to get too
1. 54.calm down 使平静, 使镇静
In this state, the baby is difficult to calm down and sleep is
1. 55.keep a promise 信守诺言
It’s important to keep a promise.
1. 56.rather than 不是
Most food webs, for instance, consist of many weak links rather than a
few strong ones.
1. 57.learn about 学习关于…的知识, 得关于……的
Getty made a large fortune in his life, but he gave his money to the art
world because he wanted people to learn about and love art.
1. 58.learn sth from ……学习学到
And I learn a lot from the movies.
1. 59.for a while 一会, 一段时
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while.
1. 60.go wrong 故障出毛病, 现问题, 遇到困难,
犯错误, 做
But like all performances, there are moments when things go wrong.
1. 61.leave sth alone 不, 不变动, 不
Leave it alone. Don’t touch it.
1. 62.lead a ……life …的生活
You will be left alone to lead a normal life.
1. 63.lead sb to do 引某人做某事
I was led to believe that nothing happens here without you knowing about
1. 64.lead to sth 导致成(后
A tragic event led to the end of marriage.
1. 65.join in 参加入(活动)
I threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in
Malaysian life.
1. 66.spring up 迅速出现, 然兴起
Nowadays, fast-food places are springing up all over Italy.
1. 67.spare time 空余业余
But most of his spare time is spent working.
1. 68.cheer for sb 为…呼, 为…加油
So be sure to cheer for your favorite.
1. 69.cheer up 使变得更高兴, 振奋
Well , when I’m feeling a bit sad, a good book always cheers me up.
1. 70.devote…to … 献身于……, 致力于……
Then I can devote more time and energy to finding a better position at
another company.
1. 71.go for sth 去参加(某活动或运动)
We three should go for a walk and leave them to walk.
1. 72.go on 生, 继续等下继续说继续做某事
Our family will go on a trip next month and need a suitcase.
1. 73.go out 出门参加社交活动, 外出交际, (灯光或火
时, 不再流
I prefer to go out and be out.73go over 仔细检查反复研究一处
一处 I wanted to go over the reports.
1. 74.go against 对, 反抗……相背违反……
If you go against your father’s wishes , you will have to leave home.
1. 75.go though 通过成, 仔细察看, 详细研究精力
行活动, 程序通过穿过
Obviously, that was something she should not go through phone.
1. 76.go up 兴建, , (剧院幕布起, (物价
He said he was just too scared to go up to her.
1. 77.go in 内, 进去
One of the questions are: Who will go in times of trouble?
1. 78.go back to 返回追溯到回忆
She goes back to Seoul every weekend.
1. 79.go away 开, 离开, 消失, 离(尤指度假
When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit
helplessly and wait for the noise to go away.
1. 80.go ahead 开始干着手干
Go ahead , take me on.
1. 81.go on sth 做某事
I had to go on a journey and would be away for several days.
1. 82.go down 下沉没物价, 温
That would go down poorly in the US , however.
1. 83.go on to do (成某事后)接着一事
She goes on to talk about her husband.
1. 84.be absent from 缺席缺少…的
I was absent from the house the entire afternoon.
1. 85.application form 请,
You need to fill out an application form and send it to the house
1. 86.settle down 安顿安静
I think it’s great to have a place to settle down and read.
1. 87.in recent years 在最近几中,近年来
Running has become incredibly popular in recent years.
1. 88.follow one’s advice 听从某人的意见
I followed her advice. Within two days we had a house, I soon had a job.
1. 89.both……and…… …和……, 不……而且……
Both boys and girls like it.
1. 90.because of
Because of the way light reflects off the organisms, these phytoplankton
create colorful patterns at the ocean surface.
1. 91.fall out 掉落脱落翻,
Adult teeth fall out when they become damaged, decayed and infected by
1. 92.fall down 跌倒下,倒塌
Dad fell down the stairs and broke his butt.
1. 93.fall apart 碎, 裂,(组织,关等)崩溃
My house is falling apart.
1. 94.fall into sth 入某状, 开变成某事能够分成
They are high in income and fall into the age group of 26 to 65.
1. 95.in other words 换句话说, 也换言之
In other words , old habits die hard, even in the best-designed eco-
1. 96.in a word 简言之, 一句话总之
In a word, Asian governments must take steps to improve the present
situation as soon as possible.
1. 97.on board 在上, 在机上, 在火车上, 支持
I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the
1. 98.in person 当亲自
As a security measure, you are requested to collect your card in person
at the SAC.
1. 99.be able to do sth 做某事的
I might not be able to do it.
1. 100.in the background 在背景里, 在
Tired office workers suddenly have more energy when they hear the
pleasant sound of Muzak in the background.

1.1.       anythingbut决不,绝对不,一点也不Herjourneytobecomingthefastestwomanonearthhasbeenanythingbutsmoothandeffortless.1.2.       evenif/though即使,虽然Thevoicesmakeyoufeellessaloneeventhoughyouarealone.1.3.       evenso尽管如此,即使那样Evenso,sheimpressedthewordwithhercourageandstrongdesiretosucceed.1.4.       makea...

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