

3.0 2024-09-09 0 0 17.54KB 14 页 7库币 海报
一看到 on the sight of....
看到某物 sb. caught sight of sth./ sth. caught sb.'s eyes
盯着 stared at/ with eyes fixed on / with eyes glued to
glared at
瞥一眼 glimpsed at
偷瞄一眼 cast a glance at... secretly
翻白眼 rolled one's eyes
looked through
blinked/ winked
眯眼 narrowed ones eye
目不转睛 couldn't take one's eyes off sth.
凝视 gazed/ peered fixedly
直视某人的眼睛 looked into one's eyes
仔细观察 watched/ observed ... carefully
嘟囔 murmured
结结巴巴 stuttered
打断 interrupted
坚持说 insisted/persisted
继续说 added
尖叫 screamed
耳语 whispered
责骂 scolded/ blamed
吹口哨 whistled
大喊 yelled/ shouted loudly
怒吼 roared / howled
建议 suggested/ advised/ proposed/ recommended
评论 remarked// commented
叹息 sighed
安慰 comforted
抱怨 complained
道歉 apologized
解释 explained/ detailed
回复 replied/ responded
承认 admitted/ recognized
强调 emphasized/ stressed/ highlighted
宣布 announced/ declared
严肃地说 spoke in a serious voice
情不自禁地问 couldn't help asking
好奇地问 asked with curiosity
自言自语 talked to oneself
感谢 thanked/ expressed his gratitude
清嗓子 cleared ones throat
深呼吸 took a deep breath
鼓掌 clapped one’s hand
勾手指 folded ones finger
搓手 rubbed one’s hands
挥拳头 swung ones fist
抱臂 crossed ones arms
耸肩 shrugged ones shoulders
紧紧拥抱 hugged tightly/ held sb. in ones embrace
投入某人的怀抱 threw oneself into sb.'s arms
把某人搂进怀里 gather sb.into one's arms
挥舞手臂 waved one's arms
举手 raised one's hand
用手指 pointed at with a finger
拍肩膀 patted on one's shoulder
握着手 held ones hands
手拉手 hand in hand
竖起拇指 thumbed up
伸出手 reached out ones hand
甩上门 slammed the door
挣扎着站起来 struggled to one's feet
一瘸一拐走下台阶 limped/ lamed down the stairs
一跃而起 sprang/ bounced to one's feet
溜进 slid into/ steal into
拖着疲劳的双腿 dragged one's legs
冲进 rushed/ dashed into
跪下,蹲下 knelt down/ got down on ones knee
追逐 chased/ pursued after
逃跑 fled away/ escaped
前往 headed for/to
加快脚步 quickened one's steps
盘腿 crossed ones legs
被绊倒 be tripped over
踮脚 stood/stepped on one’s toes
扭脚踝 twisted ones ankle
站直 straightened up
漫无目的晃荡 wandered aimlessly
来回踱步 paced up and down
踢着小石头 kicked a stone
蹦蹦跳跳地走 skipped along/ to
抬头 lifted/ raised one's head
低头 lowered/ducked/ dropped one's head
点头 nodded one's head
摇头 shook one's head
turned one's head around
陷入沉思 be lost in/absorbed in/buried in thought
scratched ones head
buried ones head in ones arms
皱眉 frowned one’s eyebrows
肩并肩 shoulder to shoulder
不理睬 ignored/ turned a blind eye to
转身 turned around
心怦怦跳 heart raced/ pounded
陷入沉思 be lost/stuck in thought
信心飙升 confidence rocketed
忧虑消退 anxiety faded away
恍然大悟 be suddenly aware that...
悠闲地坐着 sat back leisurely
酣睡 slept soundly
祈祷它平安 prayed for its safety
龇牙 bared its enormous/sharp teeth
吼叫 barked/ howled/ roared at ...
慢慢靠近 inched/ approached closer
挥舞着巨掌 waved its massive paws
跳起来把我撕成碎片 leaped up to tear me into pieces
发出凶猛的叫声 let out a fierce bark
弓起身体 arched its body
撞向 knocked downhitattackedcrashed
竖起鼻子/耳朵 cocked ones nose nose/ ears
摇尾巴 waved/ wagged its tail
嗅着 sniffed ...
蜷缩在.... curled up next to...
一下他的 clicked his cheek
把头埋在 buried his face in his fur
拍打着 flapped its wings
把头靠着 tested its head against...
发竖起来 with its fur standing straight up
hovered overhead
landed/ parked in a branch
啄啄羽毛 pecked its feather
lay in the shade
swam around gracefully
disappeared / be out of sight
sang songs in the cage
某人 kept sb company= accompanied
盯着 _____________________________
瞥一眼 ________________
翻白眼 __________________________
眯眼 __________________________
凝视 ____________________
直视某人的眼睛 ___________________
仔细观察 __________________________
嘟囔 ______________
结结巴巴 stuttered
打断 __________________________
坚持说 __________________________
继续说 __________________________
尖叫 ______________
耳语 _______________
责骂 ______________
吹口哨 __________________________
大喊 __________________________
怒吼 __________________________
建议 __________________________
评论 __________________________
叹息 _____________
安慰 ________________
抱怨 ________________
道歉 _______________
解释 __________________________
回复 __________________________
承认 __________________________
强调 __________________________
宣布 __________________________
情不自禁地问 __________________________
好奇地问 _______________
自言自语 __________________________
感谢 __________________________
清嗓子 __________________________
深呼吸 _________________
鼓掌 _______________
勾手指 __________________________
搓手 __________________________
握紧拳头 _________________
抱臂 __________________________
耸肩 _________________
投入某人的怀抱 __________________________
举手 __________________________
用手指 __________________________
拍肩膀 _______________
握着手 __________________________


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分类:教育考试 价格:7库币 属性:14 页 大小:17.54KB 格式:DOCX 时间:2024-09-09
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