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二十四节气 the twenty-four solar terms 
春节 the Spring Festival
元宵节 the Lantern Festival 
清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day
端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival 
中秋节 the Moon Festival/the Mid-Autumn Day
重阳节 the Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day 
阳历 solar calendar 
阴历 lunar calendar
1.the Spring Festival 春节 (…falls on the 1st day of the first lunar month)
paste couplets 贴对联 
on New Year's Eve 在除夕之夜 
have a family reunion dinner 吃团圆饭 
make dumplings 包饺子
set off firecrackers/fireworks 放鞭炮/放礼花 
stay up late or all night on New Year’s Eve 守岁
give/get lucky money /得到压岁钱
pay a new year’s visit to our relatives or friends 拜年
2.the lantern Festival 元宵节 (…on the 15th day of the first lunar month)
eat Yuanxiao 吃元宵 
watch lanterns 观灯 
guess lantern riddles 猜灯谜 
play the lion dance 耍狮子 
play dragon lantern dance 舞龙灯
3.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 (…on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)
race dragon boats 赛龙舟 
eat rice dumplings 吃粽子
4.the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 (…on the 15th day of the 8th lunar
eat mooncakes 吃月饼 
admire the moon at night 夜间赏月
family members get together and have a big meal 家人团聚吃大餐
Confucius 孔子 
Confucian culture 儒家文化 
Confucius Institute 孔子学院
Tang Poetry 唐诗 
Tang Dynasty 唐朝 
汉字 Chinese character
《诗经》The Books of Songs/The Book of Odes
《孙子兵法》The Art of War
《史记》Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian
《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions
《西游记》The Journey to the West
《水浒》Water Margin
《三国演义》Romance of Three Kingdoms
中国画 traditional Chinese painting 
书法 calligraphy 
茶文化 tea culture 
茶道 tea ceremony 
戏曲文化 opera culture 
传统手工艺 traditional handicraft 
糖人 sugar man 
泥人 clay figurine 
陶艺 pottery 
水墨画 Chinese brush painting / ink and wash painting
寓言 fable 
传说 legend 
神话 mythology
重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage 
文物 cultural relics
中华文明 Chinese civilization 
文明摇篮 cradle of civilization
火药 gunpowder 
印刷术 printing 
造纸术 paper-making 
指南针 compass
中国结 Chinese knot 
旗袍 Cheongsam 
皮影戏 shadow play
说书 story-telling 
戏剧小品 skit 
相声 comic cross talk
京剧 Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 
京剧人物脸谱 Peking Opera Mask
武术 martial art 
功夫 kung fu 
太极拳 TaiChi
北京烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck 
火锅 Hot Pot
中华民族 the Chinese nation 
传统美德 traditional virtues
尊敬老人 respect the elderly 
赡养父母 support/take care of parents
继承 inherit 
后人 later generation 
保佑平安 keep sb safe
强身健体 improve the physical health; strengthen the body
1.中国传统文化 traditional Chinese culture 
2.被认为是 be considered/regarded as
3.文明摇篮 cradle of civilization 
4.古文明 ancient civilization
5.博大精深 be extensive and profound 
6.享有……的声誉 enjoy a good/high reputation for
7.被誉为 be honored/crowned as 
8.文化交流 cultural exchange 
9.文化差异 cultural difference
10.占据重要地位 play a significant role; have/ occupy a significant place
11.推广中国文化 promote Chinese culture 
12.促进世界和平 promote world peace
13.增进友谊 enhance friendship 
14.在各地差异很大 vary widely from region to region/place to place
15.促进文化的传播 promote the spread of culture 
16.促进交流 promote exchanges
17.丰富多彩 be rich and colorful 
18.象征意义 symbolic meaning
19.象征好运和祝福 symbolize good luck and blessings
20.追溯到 date back to/date from 
21.遵循习俗 follow a custom
22. 为了纪念 in memory of 
23. 为向·····表示敬意 in honour of
24. 一代一代传下来 pass down from generation to generation
25. 对……作简单介绍 make a brief introduction to
1. contribute to the economic and cultural development 促进经文化的发展
2. experience diverse Chinese culture 多元的中国文化
3. have an extensive knowledge of history and culture in ancient China 广
4. have a great chance to feel the charm of sth 机会感受某物的魅力
5. represent a unique type of Chinese folk art 代表中国民俗艺术的独特类型
6. breathe the historical air when visiting all the must-see spots 必去景点
7. discover Chinese elements and features 发现中国元特色
8. explore Chinese history and culture 探索中国历史文化
9. feel the combination of tradition and modernity 感受传统和代的融合
10. be amazed at the wisdom of Chinese people 赞叹中国人民的智慧
11. be impressed by the brilliance of Chinese civilization 为中华文明的灿烂而感
12. be totally immersed in Chinese culture 沉浸在中国文化中
13. foster your discrimination in various art forms 对各艺术形式
14. explore the charm of 探索魅力
15. broaden one’s horizon/vision 开阔眼
16. refresh one’s mind/brain/get refreshed 醒脑,恢复
17. spread the essence of Chinese culture 传播中国文化的精
18. promote cultural diversity 促进文化多样性
19. enhance cultural confidence 增强文化自信
20. boost cultural prosperity 促进文化繁荣
21. better carry forward Chinese culture 好地弘扬中国文化
22. enjoy wide popularity 脍炙
23. attract the one’s attention 吸引眼球
24. beautiful melody and simple lyrics 旋律优、歌词简
25. stand out among all the competitors 脱颖而出
26. Chinese folk arts and crafts 民俗手工艺
27. respect the local customs 尊重
28. increase one’s knowledge about Chinese culture 对中国文化的了
1. Knowing that you are interested in the Classical Poetry Recitation Contest
organized by our school, I am very pleased to tell you more details about it.
2.You can write about your understanding of the Chinese culture as well as
your personal experiences in China.
3.The contest was held in the school gym from March 20th to March23rd,
aimed to arouse our enthusiasm for the traditional Chinese culture.
比赛从 320 日到 23 日在我校体育馆举办,目的是激发人们对中国传统文化的
4.I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Culture Fair to be held by
our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon.
5.At the fair, related books, pictures and objects will be exhibited, through
which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but
definitely feel the unique beauty of it.
6.Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional
Chinese culture, the staff, all the students as well as anyone interested in it are
7.This time I will introduce Tang Poetry to you, which is of great help in
learning Chinese.
8.In class, you will mainly learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese
culture and is deeply loved by Chinese.
9.You can feel the beauty of Chinese by learning Tang Poetry.
10.You’d better make full preparations before class and have a brief
understanding of the history of Tang Dynasty, which makes it easy for you to
go through the class.
11.Not only will our club's works be displayed, but we also have a valuable set
of paper-cutting created by a famous artist of this field.
12.Besides, there will be a variety of useful and interesting activities, from
which you can have a clearer picture of Chinese culture.

标签: #初中


一节日词汇二十四节气thetwenty-foursolarterms   春节theSpringFestival元宵节theLanternFestival              清明节theTomb-sweepingDay端午节theDragonBoatFestival      中秋节theMoonFestival/theMid-AutumnDay重阳节theDoubleNinthDay/theAgedDay  阳历solarcalendar        阴历lunarcalendar  1. theSpringFestival春节(…fallsonthe1stdayofthefirs...

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