

3.0 2024-10-02 1 0 32.31KB 26 页 5库币 海报
Module 1 My classmates
1.be from... =come from... ......
2....years old ......
3.what about... =how about... ......
4.in Class Ten, Grade Seven
5.the capital of... ...... /
6.first name =given name
7.last name=family name
8.English name
9.Chinese name
1.Im Chinese ,and Im fromChina. ,
(Im Chinese, and I come fromChina.)
2. Where are they from? ?
(=Wheredo they come from?)
They are from America. .
(=Theycome fromAmerica.)
3.How old is that man? ?
He isforty-four. 44
4. The students are in Class Five, Grade Seven.
5. Tom is in Class One with Lingling.
=Tom with Lingling is in ClassOne.
=Tom and Lingling are in Class One.
6.What about you?=How about you?=And you?/样?
7.Welcome to Class 6 Grade 7 !
8. Beijing is the capital ofChina.
9.Good to see you.
=Nice to see you.=Glad to seeyou.
10.Im Tony Smith.Tony is my first name and Smith is my last
name. Tony SmithTony Smith 是我
Module2 My family
1.a photo of Tonys family Tony
2.on the left of ......
3.next to... .....; ......
4.in front of... ......
in/atthe front of... ......
5.Tonys parents Tony
6.in the photo ,
7.at the bus station
8.at a police station
9.a manager of atheater
=a theater manager
10. a manager of ahotel
=a hotel manager
11.at/in the samehospital
12.a bus driver
13.a farm worker
14.a shop worker
15.an English teacher
16. a man/woman driver /
1.This is a photo of Tonys family. Tony 的一
2.What a big family! !
3.My mums parents are on the right.
4.The woman next to me ismy dad’s sister.
5.Is this your family ?
6.Are these your grandparents ? ()
7.My mother is the manager of a theater.
8.My fathers job is at a police station.
9.His parents are shop workers.
Module 3 My school
1.a lot of furniture
2.on everyones desk
on the teachers desk
3.on the wall
4.at/in the front of...... .....
5.a map of the world
a map of China
6.in the dining hall
7.at the school gate
8.on/in the playground
9.a science lab
10.a sports hall
11.an office building
12.a classroom building
13.in the science building
14.five computer rooms
15.in the middle of...... ......
16.on the left of...... ......
17.between the library and the dining hall
18.be for....... ......; ......
1.Whats your classroomlike?
Its really big.
2.How many students are there in your class??
There are forty-four students in my class. 44
3.There aren’t any computers in our classroom.
4.Are there any computers on everyones desk ?
Yes, there are some. ( No, there arent any.)
5.Whats in your classroom? ?
There is a lot of furniture.
6.There isa map and some pictures on the walls
=Thereare some pictures and a map on the walls.
7.Gao Yans between Zhao feng and Li Min.
8.In the middle of the school is a bigplayground.
=A big playground is in the middle of theschool.
9.Where is the library?
Its nextto the science lab.
1.There be 句型(某地有某物)
3.There be have/has got
4. .
Module 4 Healthy food
1.have/has got... ......
2.healthy food and drink
unhealthy food and drink
3.go shopping for sth. =go to buy sth ......
4.too much +; too many+可数复数 多.......
5.be good for... ......有
6.be bad for ......有
7.lots of...= a lot of...=many+可数复数 ......;多......
lots of...= a lot of...=much+
8.get sth for sb=buy sth for sb ......
9.what kind of... 的......
10.ones favourite food and drink 欢的食品饮料
11.chicken soup
12.stay healthy 保持健康
13.eat well
14.have a good breakfast 顿营养早餐
15.have sth for breakfast 早餐吃......
16.remember to do sth 记得做......
17.a bit tired
1.Weve got lots of apples.
2.He hasnt got any meat.
3.Have you got any chocolate? 巧克力
Yes, wehave. / No, we havent. /
4.Lets go shopping for food and drink.
5.Lets get some coffee for your mum.
6.Too much chocolate isnt good for you. 巧克力对
7.What kind of fruit ?
8.Cola is bad for you. 可乐对
9.How about some orange juice? 怎么样?
Goodidea. 好主意
10.Is your food and drink healthy?
11.It is important to stay healthy. 保持健康
12.There are lots of fruit and vegetables forlunch, but there
isnt any cola or candy .
13.Please remember to buy some fruit. 请记住买
14.Im a bit tired.
1.have/has got 含义及句子注意与 there be
have/has 的
3.some any
Module 5 My school day
1.my school day
2.on Tuesday 星期二
3.have Chinese=have a Chinese lesson
4.at five to nine =at eight fifty-five 点五十五
5.at half past seven =at seven thirty
6.on Wednesday afternoon 星期三下午
7.be good at...=do well in... 于......, 在......做得好
8.talk with/to sb ......
9.on weekdays=on the weekday
10.go to school
11.go home
12.have a healthy breakfast 吃健康早餐
13.go swimming 去游泳
14.play football 踢足球
15.play with sb ......
16.make apple juice 苹果汁
17.in the kitchen .
18.do sports
19.want to do sth ......
20.on weekends=on the weekend
21.get up
22.have breakfast 吃早饭
23.be next to.... ..
24.start work=start lessons /
25.have a break (for twenty minutes) 20
26.go to the playground
27.watch TV
28.have dinner with sb ...... 吃晚饭
29.do ones homework 某人的家庭作
30.do ones maths homework 某人的学家庭作
31.go to bed 床睡觉
32.go to sleep
33.wash ones face
34.make sb/sth + 使某人/物怎么样
make him happy 使他开心
makethe room clean 使
35.have a busy day 度过繁忙
36.after school
37.finish school 学(实义动词短
1. Whats the time?=What time is it? 点了?
Itstwenty past one.=Its one twenty.
2. What are our lessons on Monday? 一我们有什么课?
=Whatlessons do we have on Monday? 一我们上什么课?
3. We have Chinese at 8:00 and science at 8:55.
800 上855 上
4. Its interesting to study maths .
5. I like the lessons on Tuesday afternoon. 星期二下午课。
6. They dont have geography on Friday.
7. Do you have PE on Thursday afternoon?
8. I love history and Im good at it. 擅长历史
9. My favourite subject is English . 欢的课是英语。

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