

3.0 2024-10-02 0 0 18.75KB 9 页 5库币 海报
1.  一     
as  soon  as       the  moment     
2.  尽
as  …  as  possible      asas  you  can     
be  glad  to  do  sth.     
be  pleased  to  do  sth.     
be  happy  to  do  sth.
be  delighted  to  do  sth.   
have  pleasure  to  do  sth.   
get  ready  for  sth.     
get  sth.  ready
be  ready  for  sth.     
be  ready  to  do  sth.   
prepare  for  sth.
prepare  oneself  for  sth.     
prepare  to  do  sth.     
prepare  sth.  for  sb.     
be  prepared  for  sth.
5.  “邀请”与“请求” 
Would  you  like  to  do  sth.?   
  Would  you  like  sth.?     
Would  you  please  do?       
(Id  love  to 。)   
It  is  no  use  (in)doing  sth.     
There  is  no  use  doing  sth.     
It  is  useless  to  do  sth.   
It  is  no  good  (in)  doing  sth.
7.  如此表示“结果”     
so  …that   
enough  to  do  sth.   
too  …  to     
8.  八
sb.  spends  some  time/money  on  sth
sb.  spends  some  time/money  (in)  doing  sth.     
sb.  pays  some  money  for  sth.     
sb.  buy  sth.  for  some  money.     
(sb  sells  sth.  for  some money.)
sth.  costs  sb.  some  time/money 
It  costs  sb.  some  money/time  to  do  sth.
It  takes  sb.  some  time/money  to  do  sth.
It  takes  some  time/money  for  sb.  to  do  sth.
9.  五
so  that  ()
in  order  that  ()
so  as  to  do  sth.    ()
in  order  to  do  sth.  ()     
to  do  sth.    ()     
10.  三     
so  …  thatnot   
notenough  to     
11.  两     
be  used  to  doing  sth.     
be  accustomed  to  doing  sth.   
12.  三个表示建议的表达     
What  about  sth./doing  sth.?     
How  about  sth./doing  sth.?     
Why  not  do  sth.?     
13.  四“出什么毛了”     
Whats  the  matter  with?     
Whats  wrong  with?     
Whats  the  trouble  with?     
What  happens  to?     
14.  两“为什么不” 
Why  not  do  sth.?       
Why  dont  you  do  sth?     
15.  三……     
not  only…but  also       
not  only…but     
not  only…but  …as  well   
stop  sb.  from  doing       
keep  sb.  from  doing         
prevent  sb.  from  doing     
discourage  sb.  from  doing  sth.     
dissuade  sb.  from  doing  sth.
17.  六     
get  on  with  sb.     
get  on  well  with  sb.   
get  along  with  sb.     
get  along  well  with  sb.     
mix  with  sb.   
mix  well  with  sb.   
18.  五     
thanks  to      due  to      because  of     
as  a  result  of      owing  to     
Its  +  adj.  (for/of  sb.  )  to  do  sth.  ()     
find/think/feel  it  +  adj.  +  to  do  sth.  ()   
20.  stress       
be  stressed  out     
be  under  a  lot  of  stress     
take\stand  the  stress      
put  stress  on  sth.    
21.  两     
make  up  for      compensate  for     
22.  五个“在…看来”     
in  ones  opinion,      to  ones  mind     
in  ones  view      in  ones  eye     
according  to  sb.     
23.  三     
be  lost      be  missing      be  gone     
24.  八   
be  famous  for  sth.     
be  famous  to  sb.     
be  famous  as  +       
be  famous  to  sb.  as+      
be  known  for  sth.   
be  known  to  sb.
be  known  as+ 
be  known  to  sb.  as+      
25.  四     
be  satisfied  with   
be  pleased  with   
be  happy  with     
be  delighted  with
26.  四”   
be  pleased  for  sb     
be  happy  for  sb.     
be  glad  for  sb.
be  delighted  for  sth. 
27.  两
congratulate  sb.  on  sth.     
congratulations  to  sb.  on  sth.   
28.  两
apologize  to  sb.  for  sth.     
make  an  apology  to  sb.  for  sth.     
29.  三“玩得高兴”   
have  a  good  time
have  fun  (doing  sth.)     
enjoy  oneself     
30.  九
decide  to  do  sth.
make  a  decision  to  do  sth.     
determine  to  do  sth.     
be  determined  to  do  sth.     
make  a  determination  to  do  sth   
resolve  to  do  sth.     
make  a  resolution  to  do  sth.     
make  up  ones  mind  to  do  sth.     
set  ones  mind  to  do  sth.

标签: #考试 #总结 #初中


1. 一……就……   as soon as    the moment   2. 尽可能 as … as possible   as…as you can   3.乐意做…… be glad to do sth.   be pleased to do sth.   be happy to do sth.  be delighted to do sth.  have pleasure to do sth.  4.准备做…… get ready for sth.   get sth. ready be ready for sth.   be ready to do sth.  prepare f...

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